Ludlow's Lesson #6: Introducing Lil

It was then the spring of 1936 and Hod had recently made the acquaintance of Lillian Larson. She had come to the lake with Hod's sister Betty's family (the Geyerman's), as their nanny. She grew up in Woonsocket, SD, the second of five children born into a farming family. They had no electricity or plumbing. While Hod may not have been an enthusiastic student, Lil was the valedictorian of her high school class!
Hod and Lil went on just a few dates over the summer. He recalled one evening when they had gone to town for a dance and had to walk the 8 miles back to the lake when they couldn't find a ride!
During his summers on the lake, Hod had been offering guided fishing trips for $5/day. He would provide the boat and a guarantee of catching fish. In addition to Lake Vermilion, he had also been guiding on Lac LaCroix. He got to know Mr. Campbell, the owner of Campbell's Trading Post and asked if he might have a job for the winter. He was given one at a pay of $70/month.
Hod and Lil had discussed marriage over the summer, and so at this point he called her to see if she might like to come live with him on La Croix. She agreed and he headed to South Dakota to get married. He met her in Worthington, MN and on the drive to her parents' home in Woonsocket for the wedding, they decided to elope! They were married September 27, 1936 - Hod was 23 and Lil was 19. They continued on to her parents' house to celebrate their wedding with their families.
Their honeymoon consisted of one night spent on Lake Vermilion before heading on to Lac La Croix where they would stay until spring.
Next lesson will focus on the days at Campbell's Trading Post!

Ludlow's Lesson #5: Night Owl

Ludlow's Lesson #8: Life on Lac La Croix

Ludlow's Lesson #7: Getting Groceries

Ludlow's Lesson #10: Exploring

Ludlow's Lesson #3: Life on the Lake

Ludlow's Lesson #1: The Early Days

Ludlow's Lesson #9: Hod and the Boy Scouts

Ludlow's Lesson #4: Life Continues